I may be spoiled from Kreative Kupcakes. I bought half a dozen when at the mall and transported them carefully home.
I wasn't really happy when I got home and found the flimsy cardboard box and shallow cutout holes had let 4 cupcakes tip over and the frosting had slid off the tops. Well, it all ends up in the same place anyway so I scooped the Original (chocolate cake with vanilla frosting and a cherry) onto a plate and dug in.
The cupcake was not bad, just not memorable. The chocolate taste was pretty generic, the frosting was WAY too sweet and there was too much of it.
I waited a few days to try the Pumpkin and Cream Cheese. Again, they really aren't bad, but when you pay for cupcakes you want great- not meh.
My husband ate the Red Velvet, he said the frosting was good, the cupcake tasted like box mix.
That left the Strawberry & Cream (2) for my littles. Bear in mind they are 2&7 so...they liked them. I think that's pretty high praise from 2 pickies who will debate the culinary merits of McDonald's vs Wendy's for days.
It's not bad if you'd like a sweet and you're at Arrowhead anyway. If you are looking to buy a special dozen for a treat, I'd look elsewhere.