Like a well oiled machine...almost. Burn bootcamp caters to moms and women on the go...in and out. Quick warm up, quick stretch, good bye! The instructor served as front desk operator and bootcamp instructor; this made it difficult to chat wtih him prior to the workout as the classes are one after the other. I doubt that he would've known I was new if I had not made that fact known. I was quickly told to fill out an online registration and left there at the front desk with no one to consult if I had questions. Let me mention that before I showed up for class on that day, I made several attempts to contact Burn Bootcamp by phone in an effort to avoid the mentioned mishap. I missed a few minutes of the warm up but was able to find a spot amongst the others for the remainder of the workout. The instructor was very motivating and made a point to acknowledge my efforts and the efforts of others during the workout. I received a few follow up phone calls from the staff there but I didn't return them because I had already made up my mind that this type of workout wasn't for me.