I keep trying to like Romeo's but they keep making it hard.
Yes, their sauce is good. It's about my favorite to be honest. You pay a lot for what you get. I guess you can argue quality over quantity.
I ordered a pound of wings and a "Tuscan" salad. The salad was advertised as "Lettuce, Fresh Tomatoes, Fresh Mozzarella, Parmesan Cheese, Balsamic Dressing". The lettuce was very crisp and the tomatoes ripe. The mozzarela was good but there was no parmesan and the dressing was Marzetti in a plastic pouch.
My pound of wings was...how to say...underwhelming. I transferred the wings, minus the half inch of buttery sauce, into a dish that I had zeroed on my kitchen scale (new and calibrated). Total weight was 8.2 ounces. Last time I checked there were 16 ounces in a pound. Have a look at the photo. I'm wondering what kind of chickens they're getting these wings from.
For the occasional pizza it's ok. Otherwise....