| - Justin F. is right on target, except that I use Green Chile as the proof! My sis & my Argentine brother-in-law are in town from the UK, and, as in the past, an obligatory stop at Carolina's PHX was in order,. However, we hopped into the time machine bound for Mesa and teleported back to the great old days days of "real" AZ-Mex cuisine. That means: BURROS, not wimpy "burritos." That means green & red BEEF chile w/ NM chiles & no pork. That means a sweet, green corn tamal. And that same, simple, ubiquitous cumin-laced hot sauce from the '50's! Even before our large order arrived, that unique aroma of bilistered flour tortillas suddnly grabbed our olfactory attention. It's impossible to have too-high expectations. The burros & their tortillas were utterly perfect. Guacamole was excellent. This was a flawless meal! Well, maybe there could be some trozitos of green chile in the burro or machaca, but everything remains 99% better than the rest (excepting perhaps Rito's)! So, wanna' have some REAL AZ-Mex food? Then, hop in your DeLorean and set out for any Carolina's! Just one request: When are you opening a restaurant in Brighton?