I normally do not put my info out there, but for starters, I was bringing my wife to the airport and she was flying Delta. I had requested to go with her to the gate, s oI may see her board and knew she was alright, because Mccarran Airport was very confusing for her and for myself.
The gentleman behind the desk stated I was not allowed and when I say I dislike putting my info out there I mean by stating I am Law Enforcement and I simply politely had zero weapons or anything on me that would possibly prohibit me from being considered a possible threat to anyone. I showed my I.D and badge and badge number. Delta stilled refused and said she can be confused.
The only people in this airport who diligently assisted was TSA, despite them always getting a bad list of complaints. Then while I was on my cell with my wife she told me how they treated her and how they treated other passengers on the plane. This airline is no better then United!!! Southwest was the only one's who acknowledged my badge and gave me a pass which clearly showed I was not boarding any flight and only assisting my wife.
The customer service is horrible, even going in to check in, the confusion and disrespectful comments was just shocking for me, because I recalled flying Delta years ago and never having any issues until recently. I even overheard other customers being treated unfairly at the desk before going through the security lines. Very pathetic to call yourselves professionals and yet treat people with UN-professionalism.