| - Well, hmm.. what to say.. We came on a Sunday afternoon. The surface Green P lot was full but we lucked at with a space underground ($3.50/hour) which definitely beat the thieves at adjacent surface lots charging $20 flat..
The temp was around freezing, but felt a lot colder for some reason. Others have mentioned the proximity to the lake being a factor - maybe they're onto something.
The market itself was a mixed bag.
Good: lots of Christmas music, Santa (though the line was long and he had to go make a '30 minute call to the North Pole' when we got there), mulled wine (I've got to try making this stuff at home), free booze samples (cherry vodka, Amarula, Frangelico, and others), outdoor seating areas with heaters, decorations, people in good spirits. Nice big tree, feris wheel, lots of food everywhere and knick-knacks if you like that kind of thing..
Not so good: kinda crowded (though not too bad), inflated prices ($6 for a sausage, $7 for a grilled cheese, pricey drinks), although abundant there was a lack of variety in the food (the same food stands kept repeating).
Oh and what's up with those two glass condo towers on the east side of the district? What an eyesore. They couldn't have stepped up the height on these things somehow? Just pure fugly - ruins it a bit in my opinion..
Nice to see once, but is it worth going back again? Probably not.. Might be nice to see it lit up at night, but probably a parents' nightmare if you lose sight/grip of your kids for a split second..
Finally - I know these things work with sponsors in some way, but do we need to call it Lowe's Christmas Market? Can't we just call it Toronto Christmas Market? They can still say sponsored by.. whoever.. but just don't rub Lowe's in my face at every occasion. Btw - to me, it's still called Skydome too ;)