So many classic thingy-majigs everywhere! Looking for that certain something you never knew you needed? You'll find tons of those at this store. An olive green table mounted hand crank ice crusher for your vintage cocktail party? It's there. Looking for a few ashtrays from old imploded casinos or a glass table lighter or an Iron that looks straight outta I love Lucy? Saw them there too. I wont tell ya about the other things I saw that I wanted though. You'll have to look for yourself. Which is pretty fun to do, I say. If these items could tell you their stories I'm sure there would be enough to make another Forrest Gump movie. As a mid-century junkie, I don't find their prices to be too high at all. Some booths are quite reasonable, as you will also find some booths that think they are the Antique Roadshow or something. The best part of Vintage Vegas is the variety of items to browse through. You will always find things that make you contemplate justification of redirecting your weekly finances.
Variety of housewares are 4/5
Furniture prices are 3/5
Clothing prices are 2/5
Overall prices are 3/5
A very affordable antique store where any budget can find something. Store layout is very visual friendly. This store is a gas!