| - If "not as bad as LaGuardia" is a standard, this place meets it.
Charlotte Douglas is a major air hub, and you certainly won't forget it - it's absolutely jam packed with people on a perpetual basis, be it 3 AM or 9 PM. The place is huge and daunting, but relatively well laid out, and it features a ton of stores for your perusal. It's reasonably clean and nice, so it has that going for it. There are decent - but not great - attempts made to offer plugs and internet connectivity, though a lot more work remains.
Problem with this place is simple: it's way too crowded and it doesn't know how to handle it. TSA inspection lines are often dauntingly long, halls are often jam-packed, and people are often stopped in the middle of the hall for want of a place to sit or relax. Lines for food become cumbersome and scary to the point where I've foregone breakfast just to avoid the wait. This could likely be fixed by expansion, but I doubt that will happen any time soon.
All in all, this is not as bad as LaGuardia, but it's not nearly as good as its competitors.