Horrible customer/patient service admin staff review.
We were not the only patients being told they needed to have brought X-rays or would need additional X-rays the day of the appointment. Seems like they are not in tune with the patients needs. In this day and age the patients are trying to stay within what insurance covers.
Long story short
1. The girls at the desk are more in tune with eating their breakfast vs greeting patients, no greeting was given.
2. Dr Moxley's office did not coordinate well with the dentist to insure X-rays were sent over prior to my daughters bust and we asked them what she needed to bring with her the day of her appointment. We had to drive over to pick up films the day of the appointment yet after getting back they were not the pano X-rays that they needed. So we drove over from Moxley to the dentist back to the Moxley for no reason. Poor communication between dentist office and oral surgeon.
We asked what my daughter needed for her appointment they said they had everything. We arrive to the appointment and the oral surgeon needed the films. We drove to get films, when we got back to oral surgeon the dentist didn't take films of what they needed, they had to take new films anyways. So in a nut shell her appointment was late, we were sent to pick up X-rays from the dentist that didn't even greet us when we walked in (they were too busy eating at the counter), only to return to the oral surgeon dr Moxley for them to tell us the dentist didn't take what they needed, and now a pano needs to be done by this time it is 10:45. My daughters appointment was at 10am.
This could have been avoided by better communication between the Dentist and the oral surgeon office on behalf of a mutual client/customer/patient. Also the level of customer service behavior is below average and not sure if this is the standard in the health industry but eating in front of customers, not greeting them, having personal conversations should be avoided or kept at a lower tone so the clients do not over hear them. More focus on preparing the admin side of the appointments would provide a better experience and referral from you patients. I will be calling my insurance to also provide feedback.