Bare minimum is the concept for this leather daddy bar located within the fruit loop. I still stand by the statement that the Las Vegas gay community is small, but it does not lack in diversity. Within the block, there is a niche for everyone.
This past weekend, my friend wanted to go to the gay bars and clubs for her birthday. I did not object since she is known for being a hot mess when drunk. Instead of batting guys off of her, I just had to watch out for how many guys she would grind up on.
For a Saturday, the Buffalo was quiet. The seats around the bar were filled, but the rest of the place was interspersed with pockets of people. There are not many seats except for by the bar, so everyone else was standing or sat on the tables lining the center.
The music is at a background noise level; enough to kill the silence, but not to the point were friends needed to shout to each other. The atmosphere is not intimidating and relaxed. The Buffalo is a welcoming space with ample amounts of lighting. There is no stumbling around in the dark and falling on your face at this dive bar.