I have been meaning to do this review for a while, and I believe it is appropriate that it is my seventieth review, because I have been to this store like seventy times. We found this place shortly after moving to Las Vegas last year. In Vegas, there are many versions of this type of liquidation store around, but none have the friendly owner and cleanliness that this store does. We typically visit almost every weekend to see what they have gotten over the week (also checking their ads on Craigslist. Lisa and her husband are very friendly and recognize us when we walk in. Lisa will help you locate anything you need and work with you to get to the right price on anything in the store. One perk to this store over most liquidation stores, is that they assemble the furniture items. I cannot tell you how much of a lifesaver this has been. I absolutely hate assembling those items. When I go to Bazargin, I know I can get a good item, already assembled, for a decent price. We will be back all the time and I encourage anyone in the Las Vegas area to check this place out.