Had a wonderful experience at Fyxit last week. I broke my phone month's ago and was too lazy to get it fixed... eventually the home button started to fall off, so I decided it was now or never. I went there at 9am (on the dot, because I was desperate), and they were; up, ready, and alert. Unlike some places that seem groggy first thing in the morning, the representative was upbeat and ready to help. I went home and showered/got ready while they worked on the phone (it takes an hour), when I got back the phone was done and ready to be used! You also get a warranty on the broken screen which is super cool - not if you break it or ruin it yourself... but more so if there are any malfunctions that may occur with their new screen... which is super cool on their end... let's you know they mean business if they care about customer satisfaction!
Bonus: the shop is clean and smells super clean! As oppose to other phone places I've gone into that smell of pizza and dirty socks.