| - There comes a time in every girl's life where she has to endure a B-Dubs. I admit, this was my second time at one of these, not the first, and I ALSO admit that I was the one who suggested we go there. Shocking, I know. But:
a) one of my companions was, as she put it, "on a severe budget,"
b) we wanted someplace for just appetizers and drinks, and
c) it is close to where we both work.
For what it is, it really isn't that bad. Fairly tasty, not-too-dry chicken with whatever sauce you want (ranging from amateur-level, like the mild I had, to those wishing to inflict pain on themselves with ridiculously hot sauces. I had the boneless wings, which were more like glorified McNuggets, yet I ate every damn one in my basket. You can choose from just a few, to much too many, wings (making it perfect for every budget). Also supporting the "we're poor" faction was their list of daily specials, ranging from $2.00 drafts to (I can't remember the exact amount)-cent wings.
They had Man vs. Food on, and as I watched that Adam guy eat his weight in fried cheese, I thought about how brilliant it was that we were at a chicken wing place and feeling good about the way we were eating. Coincidence? I think not!