| - Say what you will about Myst, but I still keep coming back. Why? 1reason .
1. The DJs. From all over the globe, DJs come to Myst to play. Where else in Phoenix am I going to see my favorites, like Donald Glaude and Dave Aude? Where else am I going to discover amazing new talent, like Scooter and Lavelle? Where else am I going to be able to walk up to a Snottsdale club and get inside wearing my most comfy dancing shoes? C'mon, Friday nights here are the best reason to get out and dance.
The downside? The crowd. Most people, I've noticed, show up for cocktails, cute girls and crazy drunkenness. S'all good, if they were somewhere else except on the dance floor - where I'm trying to get my groove on. Instead, you have to deal with people bumping into you alot and with people who don't know the unspoken rules of dancing - respect thy neighbor's space. So annoying. (As is the crazy smokey mist they shoot off below the DJ booth. Not very good for somebody with asthma, folks.)
I don't mind the dancers. I just wish they were some where else in the club so that their groupies wouldn't flock to the dance floor and plant themselves there to stare. That's less space for people like me!
Sure, I may sound like I'm complaining, but I continue to visit Myst b/c of the music, the names they bring in & their lax dress code on Friday.
If I have to put up with stupid drunks, so be it. I can usually handle it. I get that the dance floor isn't that big, but sometimes there's plenty of room. Othertimes, we're sardines. It's hit and miss, really. And with their new text marketing, they are bringing in more and more people earlier and earlier, which means if you plan to dance, you got to carve out your spot the moment you walk in the door...
The drinks? Oh yeah. They're alright. Not the greatest, not the worst. If you want to shake things up, try a shot of Tuaca. Mmm.
I give this place 3 stars only b/c of the typical Scottsdale crowd that's here. They are simply unavoidable, unfortunately.