Mediocre at best. Nothing we got was terrible, just not really notable. The pizza was rather bland, but not awful. The spinach salad left much to be desired. Spinach, bacon, goat cheese, and dressing. I dunno...cranberries or differing would have been nice.
Also if you're going to serve "Italian soda" it should probably be pointed out on the menu or at least when ordering that it is in fact a can of soda from an Italy and not a traditional Italian soda with cream and such. And $2.50 for a can of misleading soda? Please. Our whole group was disappointed and sent them back.
There most irritating thing though was the broken speaker. They had loud music playing over an extremely staticy speaker which kept jumping the volume up and down and annoying everyone there. I'm curious how long that problem has been going on.
The 7 year old seating tables was a nice touch though. That was cute.
But still. Grumble grumble.