When I thought about a review I would write for Milio's I thought 'Meh. I've experienced better.' Oh wait, that's Yelp's 2 star indicator.
Well, it's true, I have experienced better - it reminded me of a Jimmy John's copycat. Except the bread was what they give away as 'day old'. I tried the #8 Big Steer and the meats and cheeses used seemed fresh. It was pleasant to eat - but I should be using adjectives like yummy, tasty, scrumptious, and even finger lickin'. But this meal was more or less fulfilling my need to not starve. It was a means to an end.
I do have to congratulate Milio's for their advertising campaign through their countless billboards along the beltline. I knew it was only a matter of time until I stopped in to see why I deserved a Milio's sandwich. It did it's job, it got me to come in, well done.
I won't be returning anytime soon. Oh, and this specific location was doing construction to their floor tiling, not only did I trip on the floor mat that was laying disheveled on the floor but so did the two customers that came in after me. What a lazy job they were doing in there.