It was just "eh". The facility could use some updating or a fresh coat of paint. It's just starting to look a little worn. In one of our classes (a baby class), the instructor was taking turns with each baby. When she got to the final baby she said, "I saved the best for last!" I thought that was kind of rude to say in front of a bunch of parents. And I HATE their rescheduling rules. My daughter got pink eye and couldn't go swimming for a week. Well they only let you reschedule within the week, so that wasted a class we paid for. They wouldn't just move me up a week. Then my daughter was still sick on the final week we paid for, the week after pink eye. So because of their policy, that's 2 paid classes down the drain. When you're working with babies and children, I would expect a little more leeway with things like that. I just wasn't impressed.