Heard of this place but never been before though I wish I had gone sooner! The food was really good. The noodles are thicker than what I like but it's all preference. The broth was tasty and clean - not fatty at all. What I loved is that they did not skimp out on the meat. They were nicely cut, good quality meat and I had more than enough in my small bowl.
They have noodle specials as well besides your typical pho. I didn't get to try it this time around but my friend did and it looked and smelled amazing. The bun rieu came with three crab claws so you know they aren't skipping out on quality here.
I can see why the bahn cuon is what they're known for. These rice rolls were so soft with such flavourful fillings.
Food came out super quick but nothing tasted sloppy. Friendly service as well.