As bowling alleys go, the equipment and lanes are in good shape and they have a fair amount of lanes. Their website is a bit confusing though when it comes to times public bowling is available,"Due to league play, there are times where no lanes are available for public play. Public bowling is available for the following times subject to lane availability:"
Sunday Noon to 10pm
Monday Noon to 11pm
Tuesday 9am to 11pm
Wednesday 9am to 11pm
Thursday 9am to 11pm
Friday 9am to 1am
Saturday 9am to 1am
I called one Sunday and they said that public bowling is available starting at 4pm due to league play. Then why state the noon to 10pm time? Why not change it to 4pm to 10pm?
I called to politely let them know the website was a bit confusing to me. The lady wasn't listening and kept trying to convince me it was clear. This lady clearly needs a lesson on customer service. We decided to go to Century Casino/Bowl instead.