| - Nice airport.
Vast in size, not the largest, but not the smallest. I like that the atrium area holds not only foods, bars, coffee shops, but also shopping wares. Not to be noted, I don't like to shop, but WINDOW SHOPPING as I walk to my gate is not all that bad. I've noticed a few things that I wouldn't mind pulling a #stickandmove coup.
Loving the availability of different food selections... fresh food, fresh sushi, sandwiches, juice bars and the list goes on and on. As, I'm not quite the "frequent flyer" so to speak, I do travel a little bit & food choices are critical between layovers. I was really impressed with a Mini-Farmer's Market, located around the E Concourse.
Recycling is ALLLLLLWWWWWAYYYYYYYYYSSSSSSS a plus in my book. There's even a catchy phrase along the lines of 'you toss, it we sort it'; how cool. I mean part of the confusion with recycling and why I personally feel people don't do it is because they're unsure of what to recycle and where it goes. But with this 'toss it... sort it' effort, it's a no brainer.
I do love the Jetson styled moving walkway
Various faith based religious services available on Sunday
Cool rocking chairs strategically placed throughout and along concourse
I would love to see more charging stations
More adaptable jet bridges, walking on the tarmac is sooooo lame
All in all, this airport is pretty cool.