I love this gym, and believe that this is by far not only the best workout I can get for the time I spend, but it is the best place to go for a great workout. The atmosphere is extremely friendly and helpful, and there is quite a lot to do if going to the gym solo or with a belay partner (to climb the larger walls).
I have yet to meet someone who is not willing to help out a beginner! The skill levels at this gym go from beginner to over experienced outdoor climber, casual to those training for competition, families climbing during a birthday party or friends hanging out together.
I am not sure what the gym was, but I am extremely happy with the environment that I find it currently is. I go three times a week and work various muscle groups (depending on which part if my body is still strong enough to climb) and never find myself getting bored. Wall routes change frequent enough and since I have been there it is in constant improvement, adding a new area, fans and extra workout walls. If you get a chance, go with a friend and a belay class, it is what I did and a great way into what the sport entails.