My go-to place for lunch and dinner when I used to live in the neighbourhood, and still now if I have some time in-between my classes.
I am vegan and it can sometimes be tricky to find a place to eat downtown for a reasonable price. I absolutely love their Falafusion, Choco Maca Smoothie and Brownie (one of the best I've ever had!) and I mostly order one of those three items as I know what I like, but I would recommend trying their salad as well (very filling!) or their daily special (never disappointed and you have a full meal for 11$!) as well as the rest of their sandwiches (my roommate absolutely loves the Tofu BBQ one).
I would personally not recommend the desserts on the creamier side (Tiramisu, for example) as they are very heavy and the taste is bland because of the overwhelming (I would say cashew?) cream. But this is only a personal taste and someone else might like it.
On the downside, the place is very small and get very crowded between 11:30 and 1:30, you often have to wait in line and you will probably won't be able to find a table. But if you can order from them, take away or if you want to go at more appropriate times, when it is not too busy, you definitely should try it as this is one of my favourite spot to eat downtown, if not my ultimate favourite.