Came here today (Sunday) all the way from Rhodes Ranch.. This is a sorry excuse for a farmer's market. I had been to this farmer's market years ago and I remember there being a lot more selection. There were maybe a total of 15 tents, with maybe 3 that actually had fruits and vegetables. As far as the vegetables, the selection sucks, looks like crap, and is RIDICULOUSLY overpriced. I didn't really look at the fruit "selection" as I don't eat fruit, but I did notice there wasn't a lot to choose from. I can get much better looking, ORGANIC, vegetables at freakin Whole Foods for a lot cheaper. To top it all off, I was really excited about getting a meal from Garden Grill (which is the best place to eat, ever!) and they weren't even there! I have their flyer stating the hours they are there on Sunday so I planned my day around it. Complete waste of gas and time.