The love affair is over.
Tell me what you think.
You book an appt for a pedicure. You are very busy, but you do build in time for the session and some buffer as you know how things go.
You go over there and see 3 salon attendants and all are busy. One girl waiting on the couch for waxing.
You announce yourself and they know they have an appt with you.
You sit and wait and wait and wait.
The person that is supposed to be looking after you finishes but announces that they have to look after this walk-in on the couch for waxing.
A guy walks in and wants a hair cut (no appt).
The second attendant finishes and takes the guy as a walk in!
You wait and wait some more -- now over 25 minutes late and no sign of your attendant, you find out she is pretty much doing a full body wax for someone. - so just when they should have started your pedi -- they took a 1/2 hour walk in for waxing. What!!!!???
Got up and said - that's it -- I am gone -- not ever coming back.
I get waiting a few -- but I don't get them making me wait my appt for a walk-in and then taking another walk-in ahead of me.
Hey folks -- you want repeat business - you better honor the appts from your repeat customers. Don't care how reasonable you are. If you don't value my business and treat me accordingly - I AM GONE.