There are some strong points when it comes to Fatburger. The music, for one, stands out in my mind. They always have good music playing. I like that you can watch your burger being made. It is like the ultimate in quality assurance watching everything the cook does. I like that the burgers are made fresh. There is a certain quality that you can taste in the freshness. They do make a good burger. I admit that. My main issue with Fatburger is the price. In what world does it make sense to charge $10.99 for a burger, fries and a Coke at a fast food chain restaurant. I can get more food for the same price at a place like Red Robbin. A crazy price like $10.99 steered me away from the combo so I ended up with just a burger for over $6.00. I guess I shouldn't complain too much though. It forced me to stick with my diet a little bit.