I've always wanted to see inside the Orpheum Theatre. Have always liked the look of the outside and had heard it was beautiful inside but never got to see it for myself.
Until this week. Caught the Lindsey Buckingham show on the 18th (great show....severely underrated guitarist and performer) and I have to say I was blown away by the theatre.
As soon as I walked into the theatre I am 99% sure I said, "Wow!" out loud.
Absolutely beautiful. It's got a very European feel to it....you feel like you're sitting outside in an Italian plaza. Lots and lots of art deco pieces to look at before the show. Kept finding something new to gawk at and marvel over.
Make sure you look up at the ceiling to see the 'clouds' roll by before the show.
It has totally kept the charm of the old theatre it used to be. You can just imagine all the history that's taken place there.
And make sure if you go to check out the "peacock" stairwell. And make sure you look up.
I'm so glad I finally got to see a show there. Will be looking forward to seeing something there again soon...I hope.
Another true gem of the Phoenix area.