Devour Culinary Classic has cut back the general admission so much it isn't great anymore.
General admission used to start with a reception room that used to be really awesome a few years back....but they slowly cut it back and NOW was replaced with a one man band.
For many years I used to enjoy with my general admission Merry Edwards Wine. This wine was quality well made wine. ($38-over $60.) Even the lower end Merry Edwards was awesome. Here at Devour this year I saw (not all) but mostly unknown wines. I saw Marietta (around $10.00). I know some years that wine is drinkable....but some years it's awful. They didn't even have Pillsbury here this year. The wine selection had really dropped by leaps and bounds for general admission.
The cost has skyrocketed for general admission. Back in 2012 I got discounts for attending both days. Back in 2012 Devoured only cost me $45.00 a day and I got the really great reception room with more food than I can eat, Great Wines to drink like Merry Edwards and others just as good and lots of great food by the best at show. NOW in 2018 general admission was $105. and I didn't get a reception room, I didn't get any great wine and MOST OF THE BETTER FOOD WAS ONLY FOR VIPS this IT SUCKED.
This year they cut back on the food for general admission.
Devour Culinary Classic is something I won't do anymore.
They've became very expensive and CUT BACK TOO MUCH on general admission.