Being Vegas residents, we frequent Sam's Town. One Monday eve we decided to pop into Billy Bob's. We were greeted by a short, stout dark haired wench who barked" Do you have a reservation? We politely responded "Well, no we don't", as we gazed at the multitude of empty tables. After being informed it would be an hour before we could be seated, we hopped over to Willy and Jose's, after all we are in the Easter spirit. I wouldn't even wait an hour to have sex with Rihanna who I am sure is much hotter and juicer than anything they serve. Fabulous service and food at Willy's, and the cash flowed from our hands to theirs. Even had a front row seat to the laser light show, yawn. Off to see our friends the one arm bandits, oh and five dollar bills kept falling onto the cocktail waitress' platter. The moral of the story is... don't hire anyone whose customer service skills and IQ total less than a potential customers wallet!