| - In February of 2010, I hurt my shoulder. It was terrible. I was in constant pain, saw many many Drs and physical therapists, and kind of gave up on ever having a normal arm ever again. In October of 2010, I started going to Dan on my husband's recommendation.
Wow. I went from not being able to sleep without pain, to being somewhat normal, to actually getting in shape, to becoming comfortable with going to the gym, to going to yoga within a year.
Now I look fantastic. My arms have definition. My abs are solid (mostly). I have workout routines, and I honestly enjoy getting exercise!
The people at Peak Performance truly know the human body. They're very sweet, and I've always felt comfortable meeting with them. Their studio is small and comfortable. There's no upselling or pressure to buy crazy vitamins or protein whatnot. Peak Performance is simply smart trainers, great attitudes, and results.