| - It seems that Hudson's Bay does not have a standard for customer service, it depends on the mood or the time of the employee who is serving you.
I went to H.B store at Eaton's . I wanted to buy Arctic Expedition parka but did not have my size. She searched and found one at Sherway Gardens but was not able to call them. I called Sherway HB myself, the manager was nice and called me back that she kept one for me for pick up. I went this Saturday to Hb at Sherway Gardens in the after noon to pick up, the employee in the Coats section was serving a customer, she did not acknowledge me, her name was Yehanna something along this line ..I asked her if I can pick up the coat, she said I have to wait. I waited and waited, she was taking her sweet time chatting away with this customer who was filling a credit card application. She could have just went in and picked up while the customer is filling her application rather then just looking at her. After 15 minutes I asked her if there is another employee who can serve me, she impatiently asked for my name and brought the coat which barely took a minute, then said either I have to go to another department/station to pay or wait..I could not find another employee behind the counters at that moment, so kept walking around waiting till she finishes her GRAND sale. luckily she left her shift , someone else came and processed my order.
That is why I got rid of my Bay credit card, because I barely shop there..I avoid unless something is on sale and a very good value,.not to mention the coat section or that department looked so messy and depressing. Honestly Looked like Zellers ..2 years ago I made a purchase London Fog boots , which were defective and had to return..