I don't feel like I have the expertise to adequately review an Asian food store, but something about this place is so very cool. The solid wall of aromas will hit you like a cold carp to the face when you walk in the door, but give it a few minutes and you'll adjust. Then you can just spend time perusing the wide range of products, mainly Asian but plenty of standard things too. Live crabs in a tank in the back, and I think there were live ones also in a basket on the floor, claws rubber banded shut. The place is a bit chaotic, but the service staff and clientele were both very polite and friendly. I found the treasure I was seeking here: pretty china miso bowls for only $1.79 each. I also found curry leaves for future Indian dinners. The unique olfactory bouquet of the place will cling to you and your garments for awhile after you leave, but it will be worth it.