This is my store. Work clothes, casual clothes, my age appropriate attire - I find it here. No its not so formal. They have nice styles. Very contemporary, casual, easy, not so plain. I found a lot of colder weather sweaters here. Loving the fun happy colors for fall.
The helpful lady that assisted with our purchases was very accomodating; knew how to upsell for sure. However, got to a miniature point where it was like 'okay we're good!' Self control... Need or want... Spending within means...
But they have a sale!!! Hope you find one whichever Ann Taylor you visit. The pretty sweaters were buy one get one BOGO!!! Ladies, you know your ears twitch to that lingo! Yyyeeeaah I see you elbowing through hahaaa. Get those pretty fall colored sweaters ;)
P.S. the LOFT card is accepted at Ann Taylor as well.