| - Horrible! i would not recommend this place to anyone, the owner was nice when i went in and told her i heard good things and what i wanted with my dog, she said she had the best groomers in vegas--well one she had in particular came and got my dog, cut her, ( i told her what we wanted specifically) okay she took her and off she went.
Picked up our yorkie , after getting home, her hair cm out behind her ears and when i brushed her she was so uneven of a cut, around her face was not cut, i quickly called they said just bring back tomorrow--so i did the groomer came out from back literally grabbed the dog from my daughters arm, as shes walking away she says so you want the whole face, the whole face---i said i told you yesterday, she says well i thought you said the eyes, i said look how uneven and long like not even done, her legs had the same hair, ( i dont think it was cut at all..i should have grabbed my dog and left this gromer was so rude and the way she took the dog and spoke i made a comment ( even one of the workers heard her said can i help with something, i said did you hear that is this the way she speaks to all customers, the girl agreed she knew she was wrong and went to the front to tell the ( mgr--if you call her that on duty) she just looked at me said well you ll have to talk to owner on Thursday she gone to dr today and back thursday, i said can you caall her, this is so unprofessional , and you have this representing her business---also no one up front running her store knew what to say , looked at you like you were stupid---well in short never got a call from them--Nothing, you can bet i will bad mouth and let everyone know how rude and unprofesional this business is---i would love to see if close its doors soon if she keeps telling everyone she has some of the best groomers---ha what a joke, they seemed like good people but not to follow up shows me they are not good business owners.........i give this about a ---0