| - Headed to Lowe's after finding out that Walmart has no plants, seeds or anything as if we don't grow things year-round here in Vegas. Get to Lowe's see a few great plants on the clearance rack take them over to the cashier who is on here phone typing when I get there, she seems annoyed by my presence. When she goes to ring up the clearance plants she says, "these don't have a barcode on them so I can't scan them." And I think, wow I have frozen food in my car and it's 107 outside and she needs me to do what? I go "they are from the clearance rack, there is a sticker that says $3 on them." She says, "But with no barcode I cannot ring them up." So, I'm standing there, dreaming about Amazon and if I want to just leave and get some seeds online when I tell her I will go back to the clearance to see if there is one with a barcode. Had *I* been the cashier I would have said "Let me find one!" and run off -- but she put that on me. So rather than just walk out, because I have been wanting to put something into the pots I have at home on my balcony for months. I head back to the clearance rack, about 30 yards away, and grab one with a barcode that is crossed off with a black sharpie. I hand it to her and say "Here, this one has it, but it's crossed out." and she snaps "It will still scan" and she scans it, I pay and I leave. I won't be back it's just something as simple as that for me now-a-days and don't wonder why Amazon is taking over for brick-and-mortar.