| - I would first like to call to attention how extremely happy I was, and still am, about my experiences with The Four Seasons Hotel.
From the beginning of your journey, everything about this hotel is enchanted. The entrance is private and paved with silkly cobblestone-like roads. Once you arrive at the front, the bellman, valet-men, and doormen are all at your service, and not in a pushy-hoity-toity type of way. They genuinely care about how you feel once you step foot onto their grounds. Once you are properly greeted, you are directed to the check in counter, where they offer you ice cold water or an apple after a long travel. Check in is smooth and easy.
Once you walk into your room, you remember the attention to detail that every part of this hotel boasts. Each strand of carpet, each flower placed throughout the walk you take through the halls... everything is just-so.
The rooms are beautiful. Great in size, and full of life and color. The beds are inviting and swirl you into a restful daze. The carpet sinks through your toes as you glide through the room...
One of the best parts The Four Seasons has to offer is their pool. No, it may not be AS cool as the wave pool at The Mandalay Bay, but you can venture on over there as well, if you get bored with the pool here... although I highly doubt you could.
Pool side service is i-m-p-e-c-i-b-l-e. That's all I have to say about that.
Everything here is perfect. Everything and every staff member made my trip to Four Seasons exquisite.
If you haven't stayed here before, you have to. It is an experience you cannot miss out on. It is well worth the money.