Ok, first of all, when I got there this morning to pick up my lunch, the guy behind the counter was hitting on the gal in front of me so hard. He spent all of his time and smiles on her that by the time he got to my order, he had not an ounce of friendliness left. He acted like he was doing me a favor, begrudgingly. That in itself is nothing, I have lowered my expectations of customer service since this new generation of pimple popping orgy addicts got their work permits a few years ago. However, when I got the foot-long turkey sammi back to my office, the half I chose for breakfast had a little good morning suprise. (I just threw up in my mouth a bit.)
They should change their slogan from "Eat Freash!" to "Eat Some Complete Stranger's Hair, Then Gag and Lose Your Appetite Completely". I'll bet that is the real reason Jared lost all that weight.
Not happy Subway. There is a lovely Quiznos on Central and Camelback... They will serve my periodic sub sandwhich needs from now on.
AND DON"T CALL ME MAAM YOU IDIOT! And get your teeth cleaned! That yucky yellow stuff is called tartar and it can be removed.