So. Much. Fun. Took a friend here, that was visiting from out of town, along with the fam and really had no idea what to expect since we were newbies to the escape room game. Difficulty levels range from 3 ER symbols to 5 (the hardest), so we chose a 4 ER. You find out right away who in your group does what and is best at what and it's a blast! You can have up to 6 people in your group, you choose a team name and you hope that you aren't going to blow it as you only have 60 minutes to escape and claim victory. Aside from some operator errors (someone in our group, who shall remain nameless, couldn't operate a pad lock correctly) that caused us to lose 10 minutes, we did pretty good for our first time. The clues are clear but challenging, and the rooms are decorated perfectly for the themes they represent. The staff is very helpful. Overall a fun and different Vegas experience and can't wait to do it again!