Found these guys online and they said they had the heat lamps we needed in stock. I drove clear across town for them, brought them back to our restaurant to be installed the next morning. Upon inspection of the finished work I noticed they sold me the wrong item, ones without an adjustable heat controller.
After numerous discussions their "fix" was to get the OEM controllers and install them for us, what they said is an accepted practice with the manufacturer. Took over a month to get this accomplished. Fast forward about 6 more months and we are having trouble with them. They said we needed to go to the manufacturer, even though the part we are having issue with was the controller they installed. Generation Y wanted $250 to fix it (the whole unit only cost us $275!!!).
We contacted the manufacturer and were told that due to what Generation Y did, they VOIDED the warranty!!! Great! Have spent the last 1+ months trying to get Generation Y to stand behind their work and fix this. They conceded and offered to do it for for the reduced prices of $182...still almost the cost of an entire new unit!!
Now, again after MANY correspondences they are refusing to do anything about this. I have never seen such horrible customer service and incompetence. How you propose to fix something you sell that voids the warranty and then don't stand behind it yourself is beyond rational thought. There are so many places in the valley (and online) to choose from, I would steer very clear of Generation Y...which I think stand for Y would anyone go there?