To me, brunch was the meal lazy people ate. People ranted and raved about the mystic and curative powers of brunching, but i had my doubts. I was a non-believer, but this joint converted me faster than the refills on my bottomless mimosas and bellinis.
I came in with a group of four fellas and we were eager to get our squad game on. Their menu is quite extensive, and they have quite a good selection of different food items and tastes to choose from. The breakfast potatoes starter was on point. The star of the show was their octopus, which is the most tender and delicious i have ever had. Who ever thought your best octopus culinary experience could take place in a desert (apparently the secret is to throw a cork in the pot when you're boiling it down).
The mimosas and bellini were on point, and they helped make a lively group and delicious food taste that much better.
Through this experience i have come to learn that brunching is less of an experience than a state of mind. The flesh is willing but the wallet is weak: brunch we will meet again soon.