This place is awesome! It has nice, helpful staff and a nerdtastic atmosphere! It's well organized and stocked with plenty of statues, memorabilia and toys for all you collectors out there (Hands off anything Cyclops related! It's mine!)
The place has a lot of great trinkets. Inside you'll find a nice little R2-D2 unit, batman and superman statues and even a cool pinball machine! Love that!
Lastly, every once in a while, I'll order a cappuccino when I'm browsing comics. These guys go the extra mile by naming all their specials after comic/movie characters!! I recommend the Stay Puft one myself. Mmmmarshmallow!
If you love comics and are interested in holding a collection, this place is downtown Toronto Nirvana. It has great coffee, great atmosphere reasonable prices and did I mention the pinball machine already?