The worst concert I have ever been to. Everything sound the same - Extremely Loud - Synthesizers & Drums - and famous compositions destroyed to the level of a highshool band. As if the music was tedious and each song sounded the same. As if the music was not bad enough we were subjected to the following 3 things before we left at the middle. 1) Movies of space shuttles and NASA during what was supposed to be a Christmas themed concert. 2) A video where the "composer"?! CHIP DAVIS comes on video dressed in a sweatshirt, while the show is on to promote cd's of his music that is being sold at intermission (2 minutes of being peddled to!!!!). 3. During another song there was an infomercial video of how many records they have sold and their multiple appearances on Good Morning America and the macy's day Parade?! I can't believe how many SHEEP eat this kind of junk up. Tasteless, Tedious and a Torment. When I pay for a concert at one of the City's principal venues - I expect to see something memorable in the positive sense.