Whoaaa; just popped in to relax with my hubby and enjoyed Thai BBQ salmon and really good Orzo /fruit combo//terrific food.
After they took away the Croissants they don't even automatically serve a
bread with the meal. Great service; we asked """wheres the bread """and it was a drawn out explanation ending with "but if you really want some I can find something! I mean those prices and no fancy little bread.
As we left we were asked how we liked our meal at the door going out. We said food great, service great but again wondered where the bread was to someone standing near the female door greeter.
If this person was the manager and he said he was, the explanation was wierd. Awwwwwwww just come out and say that our $40 plus lunch did not deserve a bit of fancy bread? Hey buddy we are the customers , stand up, and look at us, shake our hand say "Thank You" for eating here!!!
Common sense business is not common in many places!!!!