Stay far away! Do not give this business your credit card for a spa membership. They will continue to charge you after you have cancelled. I stopped going here for massages in the spring of 2012, as my therapist towards the end of the massage either had fallen asleep during the massage or was pleasuring himself as he had switched to one hand barely massaging me at the end. I did not want to see what he was doing as I was on my back on the table. I suspended my monthly membership back in March or April of 2012 for three months to think about whether or not to give them a second chance. I decided to move on and had mailed a cancellation to them in July of 2012. They continue to charge my credit card $39 a month, which I end up having my credit card company charge them back every month since. I have left their office messages to stop charging me and they leave me voice mails to call them back. I have escalated it to the better business bureau. FYI-Blue Sol your stupidity is costing you extra money in charge back fees--about seven so far.