| - This company has ZERO concern for its smallest clients because this company repeatedly (5+ plus) left our pool gate open and that could have turned into a death of a child. Yeah, they will give you updates on what they have done to your pool and come when you asked them/scheduled to, but that's not worth the safety of my child! I gave an honest review on this companies FB page and this is what happened:
Gilbert Poolman: Tiffany Valentine Smith and Cody Smith are two disgruntled clients who have a broken gate lock that requires "special" locking instructions to make the gate latch actually lock into place. As I have been attentive to their needs to the best of my ability I do have employee's that work for me and occasionally they show their imperfections when it comes to remembering special directions on someone's pool fence lock. As understanding as most may be, even after giving these guys a free month of pool service they still feel compelled to come online and hurt my business by blaming us for not properly closing their gate and telling the public we could have been responsible for a death of their child. This is the action they would rather take than to actually insure the safety of their child by making the logical decision to maybe actually fix the gate lock that seems to be the root of the entire problem. Not just with us but with many other service companies as well. So what are they really concerned with, the safety of their child or the harassment of a business? I plan to blog about this couple and to create a special website informing not just the public about these two but also any other potential swimming pool business owners that may fall into this situation causing them to be victims of this couples harassment. For details on this website please visit my blog on my website in about a week from now. Thank you.
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Tiffany Valentine Smith: Jake! Let me give you a little background on my "broken gate"! One, the gate is not broken and has a special locking mechanism that is approved by the state of Arizona, how do I know this, because this fence was put up within the process it took for us to adopt our daughter in February of last year. This gate is a year and a half old by a company that is also approved by the state of Arizona. Like I said in my post, your service was fine it was the lack of a few seconds to make sure my gate was properly closed that was the issue, which was done at times by your technician, but I can't rely on, at times.
Now, I have not "harassed" your business, I gave a review of my experience with your company and did not falsely accuse you or your company of anything, but what you are now doing is harassment because you didn't like my review of my experience.
Let me give you the Arizona definition of slander and libel law, "A statement that brings a plaintiff into disrepute, contempt, or ridicule, or impeaches a plaintiff's honesty, integrity, virtue, or reputation." Now, I will look "in about a week" for your blog for what you will say about my husband and I and I will make sure you do not say one false word about us.
As you maybe aware at this point, I am extremely protective of my family, their wellbeing and safety. I do hope you put this much effort into making sure your work family keeps the families that they service in mind the next time they don't take a few extra seconds to make sure a pool fence is locked. By the way, your msg took more time to write and think of than it would take to jiggle a pool fence to make sure it is locked.
Gilbert Poolman: This is all really becoming quite entertaining. I've heard about people like you and may have even seen a few people like you on the Jerry Springer show, but honestly I always thought they were paid actors. But you are definitely living proof that they really do exist. You are right. These reviews and attempts to harass my business will have absolutely no impact on me. Because there are just to many people who know who I really am. But hey knock yourselves out. Have a blast. This will be the last time you get anything other than a sympathetic laugh from me. Thanks for this entertainment.