The store experience is always 5 stars. Less than ideal delivery experience this time. They called me an hour early to see if I was home, which would typically not be a bad thing for us, but when I arrived home thirty minutes later, they were blocking my driveway. I had to maneuver around their truck. They were in a hurry. I did not have time to move everything out of the way before they began taking our chair upstairs. They knocked over a liquid laundry detergent that was on the loft ledge, cracking the cap. I was downstairs trying to manage my 15-month-old since we had to move the baby gates. I heard a loud crack and they were already trying to get down the stairs before I got up there. They weren't even going to tell me there was blue liquid on my white carpet. After I said something, one mover that stayed back asked me if I had a wash cloth then said sign this. He was gone and out the door before I could even inspect the chair, leaving me to scrub detergent out of my carpet. No acknowledgment, no apology. Just a rushed careless delivery service.