Summer break coming to an end I went with my 5 year old and with my friends and their children who are 5 and 6 years old. We called ahead of time to ask if they have food there which all they have is vending machines so we came prepared packing lunches for all of us to eat. You now enter at the side where you used to enter near the library and there was a room with a tv where the homeless were. Before we never got bothered by them but at least we don't have to deal with it just in case. The first exhibit we encountered was the Smokey the Bear with an employee interacting with our kids with animal puppets and then marching around with those puppets pretending they were the animal. The kids LOVED this. I loved the different elements in this room which was all about the outdoors from safety of fires, camping, the stars etc. There are so many rooms to explore with different activities. We loved the big bubbles you can make or attempt to. The kids got to be inside a big bubble and an employee made a really large bubble which brought smiles to all the kids faces. Then the music area with dress up clothes and a stage. The kids enjoyed pretending they were performing for us. As we walked out to get our lunches we walked past some cool drums like what they use for Blue Man Group! Gotta take my daughter to see that Group. After seeing the smurfs my daughter loves Blue! Just teasing. We ended upstairs learning about nutrition, excercising and checking our heart rate. We ended with making sand art which was an additional fee of only $3.00 then to the art room where we (us adults too) learned to trace and transfer then color a piece we chose. Even though mine didn't personally look like Wonder Women I think for being in my 40's I might change careers and get into Art. Not! But kinda impressed.
We had a great time here! Please Please bring snacks and water. If you forgot you may deal with a broken vending machine like I noticed when we came here.