I love this IKEA location in Robinson Town Centre because one can do things here that can't be done at a big city IKEA store. Read on.
During a marathon day of shopping last month my mom and I stopped at IKEA and took a shortcut to the downstairs area to quickly pick up a few no-hassle items. And then we returned to the store a few hours later after shopping nearby and realizing that we'd forgotten something during our earlier IKEA trip. Unreal. Such a decision--heading to IKEA a second time on a given day to pick up a small and relatively unimportant forgotten item--would be unheard of at a more congested store. Philadelphia and San Diego IKEA locations come to mind.
A few more notes:
* Parking here is no sweat.
* The post-holiday sale selections/prices on 27DEC2011 were really weak.
* The $1 frozen yogurt cone I purchased near the main exit/checkout area was delicious.
* I'm never a fan of self checkout. Employ more cashiers, IKEA!
Due to a few recent terrible San Diego IKEA experiences I have to say I've lost a bit of faith in the company. Good to know that a decent IKEA store--and the first one I ever visited years ago, actually--still exists in Robinson Town Centre.