| - UPDATE: Drumroll.... I am back on the Oregano's bandwagon!! I had a not-so-hot experience a couple months ago that I included in a review update on Yelp. After posting my review, their PR representative promptly reached out to me, apologized and asked us to give Oregano's another shot. She asked for my contact info to send a gift card -- what great, Yelpy etiquette! And when we came back in it was great to be back. The service and food were amazing and I remembered why I became such a huge Oregano's addict in the first place, (mouthwatering food and fun atmosphere).
You know what they say about customers who have an issue: if you show you care and try to make it right they'll be your most satisfied, loyal customers ever in the future. Having said that, Oregano's and I are officially back together. And to quote Peaches and Herb (yup, that's a real band name), we're "reunited and it feels so good," but mostly, tastes SO good. Thanks, Oregano's!!