So I guess it depends what you want out of the experience but this was the PERFECT photo op\nature walk for me. You take a back road to get to it so it is not off of a main road like I read in many reviews (I was picturing more of stop and go type thing). It's exactly what it says- a big hole in a rock that you can climb up. The climb is very,very easy so it is not going to be for people who truly want to hike or have a challenge. There are many other paths around this location though so you can continue to walk to various spots and up big rocks to extend your hike. Make sure to wear good shoes because even though it's a very simple climb there are loose rocks. I went at sun up on a Monday and we were the only ones there which made it even that much better! Expect more of a crowd if you go at sunset. The area has convenient parking and picnic areas at the bottom of the rock as well so you can bring snacks or whatnot. I highly highly suggest this for someone visiting Scottsdale cause you get the beautiful scenery without the sweat and effort it takes to put in to something like Camelback