If I could rate 0 stars, thats what they would get! As a previous employee I just want to say that after the many years I wasted at this company, I never saw anything back out of it. It was the biggest regret and mistake that i can say I have made. The company does their employees hard. everyone is replaceable. they will go out of their way to find someone that will work for the bottom dollar, whether or not they have proper documentation. this is a bad company to work for and i would highly recommend not to even bother, the back office is full of a bunch crooks that refuse to take any of the employees side in any situation, refuses to make any attempts in assisting or reaching out to them in need, as for the owner, he is a money hungry greedy person that does not know how to run a company, unless its right into the ground. if he were smart, he would sell out to heartland or JLI and do everyone a favor. do yourselves a favor and steer clear of these shops.